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Re: [lsp4e-dev] Targetting Photon on master?

One issue with those proposals is that they are based on a 0.5.0 release soon, whereas AFAIK lsp4j doesn't have yet a 0.4.0 release which contains the pieces needed for LSP4E 0.5.0.
So I suggest the following: we tag LSP4E 0.5.0 from current HEAD, and upgrade versions to 0.6.0. So whenever LSP4J 0.4.0 release, we can release LSP4E 0.5.0 and branch for a 0.5.1 from it when needed and so on; while in the meantime, we can start working on LSP4E 0.6.0 almost immediately.

This plan seems consistent with proposals 2. and 3. earlier.
Any objection?

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