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Re: [lsp4e-dev] first impressions


* I get a weird message in the console: "Plugin org.eclipse.lsp4e.languages, extension org.eclipse.ui.editors: Unknown editor with id: org.eclipse.ui.genericeditor.GenericEditor". It looks like I can open JSON files, and the LS connection seems to work, so it's not a hard error, but it is a bit confusing. Any ideas why it is printed?
I believe this is , which is fixed in Platform integration build and will be in Platform 4.7.M4 (release next week)
Ok, cool, then. 
* When starting, if a file was open in the workspace, first a didOpen notification is sent, then documentSymbols is called, then diagnostics are pushed and only after that comes the initialization request. Shouldn't the initialization always be first? That is, all methods should call initialize if not already called. Maybe this is a problem for LSP4J?
Where do you see this? In the console on the target application or the development IDE?
Please try adding some log just around the requests. It's quite possible that the request go in the right order, but the asynchronous behavior of LSP4J makes that the results don't appear in the expected one. Also, did you find out that this order causes issues?

I see it in the dev console. The documentSymbols request has id=1 and the initialization has id=2, so I guess this is also the order. I will try to debug it.

I can't say if it causes issues, but I think it depends on if the server can handle the situation or not. The protocol doesn't specify if the first message isn't an initialisation.


Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer for Red Hat Developers
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