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[locationtech-pmc] Call for tutorials at ACM SIGSPATIAL SpatialAPI workshop

Dear LocationTech PMC group,

This is Jia Yu from Apache Sedona (GeoSpark). I chair the ACM SIGSPATIAL SpatialAPI workshop this year. ACM SIGSPATIAL is the top 1 academic conference in geospatial computing. 

The 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on APIs and Libraries for Geospatial Data Science (SpatialAPI 2021) is calling for tutorial proposals from the community including LocationTech projects. This workshop provides students and researchers with hands-on experience with useful APIs and libraries related to geospatial data science, spanning from spatial big data management to advanced analytics enabled by machine learning, optimization, and more. At the same time, it gives a great opportunity for API providers to reach out to targeted audiences who can benefit from their APIs. The API providers will be able to get direct feedback from their users to further improve their APIs and make them more user-friendly.

In the past two years, over 400 participants attended our workshops and our presenters included Amazon Web Services, Apache Sedona, Here Technology, PySAL, Secondo, Rasdaman, Slipo, and so on. This year, due to COVID-19, our workshop will be done in an online mode.

Each accepted tutorial will have two 45-minute sessions to conduct their hands-on tutorial. Interested participants should submit a tutorial proposal in ACM format. Please see more details here:

Jia Yu

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