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[technology-pmc] Java 11 code sprint

When:  October 22-26th
Where: North America (Victoria, BC), Europe (Italy or UK proposed), Oceania (recommendations welcome)

If you or your project is interested in taking part, even remotely, please add yourself to the above wiki page!

The Java community has a challenge ahead, with recent policy changes the Java platform is now seeing some change - and we have a python 2 vs python 3 migration moment with the introduction a a "jigsaw module system".

Top level applications like GeoServer and GeoNetwork need to make some changes in order to run at all. Mostly this requires a dependency review, upgrading to new libraries such that are compatible with Java 11.

Java libraries like JTS and GeoTools are put in an awkward position as they are a bottleneck on using the module system (popularly referred to as the module hell problem). A further complication for modules is a restriction preventing two jars from making use of the same package.

Planning is currently underway:
Recommended reading:

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