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[technology-pmc] Release review for Spatial4j 0.7

Hello PMC,

The Spatial4j project wishes to release 0.7; this month would be nice.

I'm looking at our handbook to remind myself how to do releases:

About a week ago I created a "release review" with the end-date 20-December.  It's accessible here:  When When I view this page, it says it's not "public" but perhaps it's accessible to other PMC members?
Due to the merging of forges, the spatial4j project is also accessible at this domain but the release review isn't there:

According to the handbook...
"The review materials must be approved by the PMC; send an email to the PMC’s mailing list asking for approval. The PMC will respond with feedback or a simple "+1" indicating approval."

Thus can I get a +1?

It appears I was supposed to have initiated the IP Log review due no later than yesterday (one week before end date of release review, thus 7 days before 20 December == 13 December).  Oops.  I can only access the IP log generator at the Eclipse site (no longer at Locationtech, which generates an error).  And the IP Log generator seems to suggest I associate it with a review, but it does not "see" the review at the Locationtech domain.

The IP log itself appears mostly fine, except the classification of a dependency.  jackson-databind should be "works with", not a pre-req.  That seems minor to me.

~ David
Lucene/Solr Search Committer, Consultant, Developer, Author, Speaker

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