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[technology-pmc] June 27th meeting

Happy Summer everyone!

LocationTech PMC Meeting June 27th

  1. foss4g talk prep
    1. topic talk 1.5 hour
    2. Looks like rob is double booked! With topic talk and LocationTech talk
    3. action: Reach out to Volker to point out conflict
    4. action: Google talk 
  2. GeoTrellis(Rob)
    1. all CQs submitted!
    2. build steps (having some trouble with SBT)
      1. next move deploy approved jars to LocationTech repo
      2. release profile that is limited to LocationTech repo
    3. respond to CQ issues
    4. closed-build goal
    5. discussion on build tools w/ internet supplied plugins
      1. break when limited to LocationTech repo
        1. Q: do we need to upload build plugins to LocationTech repo?
        2. Q: Do we need a completely closed build (for maven / sbt / ...)?
          1. Raise a bug to clarify that this is only the build server
        3. Does SBT allow "plugin repo" pointed at maven central?
    6. migrate to locationtech github
  3. GeoMesa (James)
    1. working on sf-curve
      1. interface change changed to 0.2.0
      2. bump checkpoint milestone
    2. geobench
      1. working with nga on release
    3. Interested talking about 1.3.0 release this fall
      1. Push through GeoTools 15.1?  Check with geogig and udig...
      2. GeoTools 16.0? considered, not ready for Oct deadline
  4. GeoGig (Tyler)
    1. Focused on RC3 early August
    2. Final release still blocked on local repo change from Berkley
  5. Raster Process Engine
    1. project proposal is now ready, try and publish this week
  6. Spatial4J (David)
    1. already released!
    2. idea: Jeo - lite version of geotools focused for Andriod
  7. GeoScript
    1. contact to Jarred / Justin about project lead
  8. Spreadsheet tracking project progress
    1. Thea to send to project leads
    2. Oppertunity to move quick if we are ready

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