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[technology-pmc] LocationTech PMC Meeting May 25th

Attending: Jody, James, Tyler, Andrea

Regrets: Rob

  1. Tech PMC Meeting
    • How valuable is this - low attendance?
      • valueable for sorting out issues, CQs etc...
    • We have had a committer meeting, show and tell, in 2014
      • is it worthwhile doing a bit more of that internal advocacy?
  2. uDig (Jody)
    • no progress to report (sigh)
  3. GeoTrellis
    • Outstanding CQs mentioned on email (20 CQs waiting PMC)
    • James has handled most of it, 4 CQs awaiting discussion 
    • Q: Use of Scala 2.10? A: No resolution at present ...  but wait there is more!
        Scala 2.10.6 resolves a license incompatibility in scala.util.Sorting, but is otherwise identical to Scala 2.10.5. A total of three pending backports were merged.
      • action: Ask Rob to submit a CQ?
      • pushing for checkin and doing a release as quickly as we can
  4. GeoGig (Tyler)
    • devops:
      • now using GitHub issue tracker!
      • travis nightly builds? James says yes!
    • working through commit access for outstanding developers
      • note github "ip-validation" check is based on the email address lookup of "primary" email address associated in the github account
      • actions:
    • 1/2 dozen issues to work through on the project, waiting on developer time
      • osmosis - cut it out, our rewrite the GPL code, no active developers to address issues. Q: Have we reported this issue to osmosis project.
      • Q: is it worth writing our own or using a different OSM import/export libraries?
  5. GeoMesa (James)
    • Second "bug fix" release of GeoMesa 1.2.2.
    • Additional CQs in, have not seen any movement on this ...
    • Ran into issues jar signing during release process
      • action: email technology PMC for discussion/suggestions (conflict of package name across multiple jars)
  6. random
    • videos uploading (10 a day)
    • possible code sprint st louis
    • Hired Thea Aldrich as developer advocate
    • foss4g 216 bonn - there is a LocationTech booth available for member use
    • kevin - thumb is broken

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