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Re: [technology-pmc] PMC meeting 3pm EST

Here are my meeting notes, please feel free to comment/correct (not sure I got dates right for example).

LocationTech PMC Meeting Feb 24th

  1. Google Summer of Code
    2. If you are interested ... your project is almost too late! see email list for details
    3. except for Geotrellis, who is on top of this stuff and has some SoC ideas online for prospective students
  2. GeoMesa & Spatial4J's releases
    1. Congrats to both projects!
    2. discussion of download site and metrics
    3. code signing discussion
  3. JTS & GeoGig releases
    1. jts timeline and planning
      • approach: this should be the priority? low-level / less dependencies
      • current status:
        • waiting on initial contribution review at the moment
      • make progress on jts initial contribution
        • focus on build
        • jar signing
        • plumbing infrastructure 
      • martin: do you have any time in march to work on this?
        • busy time of year gov year end, away two weeks in march
          • martin: beginning of april is the earliest 
        • can rob, jody, jim help on the above?
          • rob: booked in march, end of march/april available
          • jody: will check schedule after initial check-in
          • jim: a nice guy but not in this meeting
    2. geogig timeline and planning
      • current status
        • 13 ip tickets
      • release 1.0:
        • customer driven, focus on postgresql backend
        • March 31 timeframe
      • release 1.1:
        • LocationTech goal requires
          • bdb --> sqlite transition for default repository
            • most of this work is finished, but still needs to go through QA
        • result is an April timeframe for a LocationTech release
  4. Code sprint co-hosted with EclipseCon March 7-10
    1. open up hackathon area for incubation sprint
    2. who can attend?
      • nga/radiant blue staff present for the code sprint
      • plan for thursday afternoon stratigic architecture/roadmap meetings (similar to geoint last year)
  5. Plans around FOSS4G NA
    1. crazy number of proposals
    2. anyone interested in a Friday/Saturday codesprint?
      • jody: tenative "yes" for any boundless staff attending...
      • rob room size? budget? discussion, consider teaming up with one of the universities ...
  6. Plans around GEOINT:
    1. GEOINT runs two weeks after foss4gna, target audience 6000 people from the suite and tie set
    2. "great meetings" last year - anyone interested this year?
    3. three members interested in sharing a booth ... contact mailing list if your organization is interested
  7. Plans around FOSS4G Global
    1. approach: LocationTech booth / content in the program / etc...
    2. working closely, good communication, with the bonn team
      • project encouraged to focus on submitting good talks
      • March 21st submission deadline
  8. Update on response/reaction to incubation issues document so far:
    1. Thanks for writing that up challenges - locationtech projects document 
      • Jody had an idea about "identifying choke points" (see the document comments)
      • please review/comment on the document
    2. Mike is taking this up internally
      • currently incubation is focused on doing everything at once, consider moving to a tiered system (similar to how locaitontech projects have formed a queue?)
      • looking at the communication gap, normally filled by mentors, there is an incubation-list setup which projects members are encouraged to join - it has been low-volume thus far.

Jody Garnett

On 24 February 2016 at 09:28, Andrea Ross <andrea.ross@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear PMC,

I don't recall seeing chatter about today's PMC meeting. If you can make it, I'd like to meet with you. There's a few things perhaps worth talking about. Feel free to add/edit:
  • Google Summer of Code
  • GeoMesa & Spatial4J's releases
  • JTS & GeoGig releases
  • Code sprint co-hosted with EclipseCon March 7-10
  • Plans around FOSS4G NA
  • Any plans around GEOINT
  • Plans around FOSS4G Global (we've been offered a booth, content in the program,  and a few other things)
  • Update on response/reaction to incubation issues document so far

Kind regards,


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