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[technology-pmc] May 27th PMC Meeting

LocationTech PMC Meeting

  • Tyler
  • Rob
  • James 
  • Jody
  • David
  • Andrew
  1. Tyler / GeoGig
  • IP review coming along?
  • Need to try out GeoTools 14-M0 next?
  1. Rob / GeoTrellis
  • at capacity for release, not at a point where we can support interest
  • IP review has the backseat
  • sparc issues with codebase
  • milestone release under sonyatype repo before a 1.0 version for location tech
  1. James / GeoMesa

  • CQs in for IP review
  • Happy to cut a 1.0 release based on GeoTools 11.2? Or update to 14-M0 ...
  • Stuck between IP review / Customer review
  • still need to update headers
    • Will send example to wiki :)
    • Idea: Jody's header script in bugzila, perhaps put on wiki or github
  • What happened Sparc / Accumulo / zookeeper?
    • email thread about exempt exempt-prereq, as PMC can we respond to this idea

  • not moved on headers yet, so no initial contribution to location tech github repository
  • Anthony has some contributions waiting on this before GeoMesa can use it
  • Ideas:
    • pull request to change the headers
    • Schedule a hangout to get this done (next week James/Rob)

  1. Jody / uDig

  • EPSG is now approved
  • Will migrate GeoTools 14-M0

  1. David / Spatial4j

  • submitted initial CQ based on Sharon's comments
    • Going to each file, who has (c) and who changed it etc...
    • header script helped but was not perfect
  • CQ for Geometry 3D package
    • code is in lucerne spatial

Firm rejection as an exempt pre-req. So we need to treat it as a works with.

  • uDig: needs to be able startup without JAI to qualify as "works with" 

  • Seems to be overlap between between GeoTrellis and JAI. May be an escape ...
  • Grow JAI-EXT project to be independent 

Is LocationTech a good place to gather up a JAI substitute? Yes but Jody would like to talk to JAI-Ext project first.

Q: Elections?

We are looking at:
  • one committer rep
  • one participating rep

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