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[technology-pmc] GeoMesa build-and-test-only dependencies

Greetings PMC.

As part of the IP process, The PMC is required to discuss and vote on the designation of "Test and Build Depencies" [1]. I believe that CQ 8666 [2] reasonably fits the definition.

These artifacts are *not* redistributed by the GeoMesa project and are strictly only needed to compile and run tests for GeoMesa itself. The following are required by GeoMesa as test-only dependencies:

junit:junit:jar 4.5
log4j:log4j:jar 1.2.17
org.apache.accumulo:accumulo-test:jar   1.5.1
org.geotools:gt-geometry:jar    11.2
org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:jar     1.7.5
org.specs2:specs2_2.10:jar      2.3.13

If you have any concerns, please let them be known. Otherwise, your +1 is appreciated.



Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
          Europe 2014

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