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[linuxtools-dev] Vote for Committer status for Roberto Oliveira was started by Alexander Kurtakov

tools.linuxtools Committers,
This automatically generated message signals that Alexander Kurtakov has
nominated Roberto Oliveira as a Committer on the tools.linuxtools project.
The reason given is as follows:

Roberto is pushing hard to keep profiling tools uptodate and this is
heavily needed work. His contributions so far are:
profiling: Fixes an issue when creating a new profile. It was getting in an
infinit loop
      Bug 454050: Fix a problem when functions are exported in ENV in
remote profile.
      perf: Fix a NPE when getting the shell to show a message dialog.
      Bug 469184: Fix an issue when there are functions exported in ENV.
      Bug 476990: Fix when getting the working dir path for local and sync
projects using perf

With another one in the works:
Bug 479344: Fix double click in line does not open source code in sync

Details about contributions:


The vote is being held via the MyFoundation portal: voters *must* use the
portal for the votes to be properly recorded.  The voting will continue
until either all 19 existing Committers have voted or until they have been
given enough time to vote, even if they do not do so (defined as at least
one week). Roberto Oliveira must receive at least three +1s and no -1s for
a successful election.

Eligible Committers must cast their votes through their My Foundation
portal page (do NOT just reply to this email; your vote will not be
correctly recorded unless you use the portal):

The project Committers eligible to vote are:

    Genevieve Bastien
    Camilo Bernal
    Mat Booth
    Francois Chouinard
    Xavier Coulon
    Krzysztof Daniel
    Andrew Ferrazzutti
    Rodrigo Fraxino Araujo
    Roland Grunberg
    Neil Guzman
    Bernd Hufmann
    Jeff Johnston
    Matthew Khouzam
    Alexander Kurtakov
    Marc-Andre Laperle
    Alexandre Montplaisir
    Patrick Tasse
    Sami Wagiaalla
    Wainer dos Santos Moschetta

*NOTE*: Successful elections are left open for a maximum of 120 days to
allow for processing of paperwork.  After that time the election will be
expired, regardless of its current status.  Should papework processing on
the part of the candidate take more time than allowed, a new election will
have to be held.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your project
lead, PMC member, or the EMO <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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