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Re: [linuxtools-dev] Gerrit forward only

On 04/08/2014 04:11 AM, Aleksandar Kurtakov wrote:
Hi everyone,
What do you think of switching our gerrit configuration from cherry-pick to forward only ? This would remove the need for resetting your local clone after every review pushed and/or later merge/reset. It will not introduce any major drawback in my opinion but I would like to hear others.

From what I understand, forward-only actually *forces* you to rebase/repush every time you want to put a commit into master if master has changed since the last time the commit was put on Gerrit. Considering the relatively high rate of change in master, this sounds like a pain ;)

I'd recommend not committing anything in your local master branch, but instead doing the commits in separate local branches (branches like "fix-bug-1234", "add-feature-x", etc.) When the patch is ready, push to Gerrit from that branch. And when the commit is merged into master, you can delete the local branch. Only update local master via "git pull". That's the workflow I use and I find it works quite well.


Alexander Kurtakov
Red Hat Eclipse team

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