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Re: [linuxtools-dev] TMF: Expressing dependency information and displaying it

Hi Geneviève

Please see below.


On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Geneviève Bastien
<gbastien@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As trace analysis tools become available in TMF (trace synchronization,
> critical path calculation, latency, etc), a requirement is to be able to
> express dependencies between events.
> After discussions and seeing the work done so far on trace analysis, here is
> a proposal for how to express and display those dependencies.
> **Modeling the dependencies**
> I'd propose to use a graph structure to represent those dependencies (a set
> of vertices - an object at a given timestamp - and edges - a link between
> two vertices).
> * The edges would be directed, but the graph would not necessarily be
> connected.
> The graph would be
> * sortable (by timestamp of vertices)
> * subsettable (for a given timerange, for given processes/entries)
> Each type of trace analysis would produce its own graph of dependencies, as
> the edges needed by each are not the same.  Each graph will be saved to disk
> as a supplementary file.
> **Displaying the dependencies**
> As for displaying those dependencies, it could be done through layers on the
> Control flow view.  Just like in Google Map, one could select the layers to
> display and the corresponding graphs will be drawn over the control flow
> view.
> In order to do this, we'll first need to modify the TimeGraphCombo (or copy
> and add a new view?), the tmf widget with entries on the left and a drawing
> canvas on the right, to support different layers.
> We'll have to take care not to clog the view and maybe need to sort the
> entries a bit so as to limit the number of super long arrows going from an
> entry at the top to an entry at the bottom.  At least it should be possible
> to filter the entries shown so that only those that have dependencies are
> shown.
> The dependency graph could be displayed also as a sequence diagram. It could
> also be exported as a dot file and visualized in external tool like
> graphviz.
TMF comes with Sequence Diagram Framework which can be easily
extended. So I would encourage to use this Framework to draw sequence
For more information about the TMF Sequence Diagram Framework see

When we introduced the the sequence diagram framework we planned to
have a declarative way (e.g in a XML) to define how to translate
events to interactions and lifelines. This hasn't been done.
Currently, an example java implementation
exists as reference or base for further implementations. However,
maybe with the addition of a data driven state system through an XML
file it is a good time to also define a data driven sequence diagram.

> **Implementation**
> For now, this dependency implementation would be hardcoded for dependencies
> on lttng kernel traces, but in the long run, the syntax proposed in previous
> threads by Florian Wininger and Aaron Spear will be extended to be able to
> support expressing the dependencies from trace events.
> For example, we should be able to express something like this (these are
> just examples, exact syntax or schema will depend on what is implemented in
> TMF):
> my_send_event(to=(.*),packet_no=(.*)).match(my_receive_event(to=\1,sequence=\2))
> to create an edge from the my_send_event to my_receive_event.
> or
> event: sched_switch:dependency from task(event.prev_tid) to
> task(event.next_tid)
> to create an edge from the previous task to the next task of a sched switch.
> This is the big idea.  I would like to get some feedback on this proposal.
> Does that make sense?  Any complications ahead?  Better ideas?
> Thanks,
> Geneviève
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