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Re: [linuxtools-dev] Athena -> Tycho


That's excellent - having a look on maven&tycho was on my TODO list since some weeks :)

Unfortunately, I'm not able to run "mvn -Xfae clean install"
(see attached log - note that I obfuscated proxy in log file).

Any clue ?

Note that I'm completely new to maven: I've just compiled a small "hello world" java example once.

Many thanks!

-----Original Message-----
From: linuxtools-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:linuxtools-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Andrew Overholt
Sent: 31 March 2011 22:50
To: linuxtools-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linuxtools-dev] Athena -> Tycho


The switch to Tycho [1] has now happened in master (no one raised any
concerns when I asked).  I'll look at doing the same for stable-0.7 once
we have any kinks worked out.  One can perform a local build like so:

- download maven 3 () and make it available on your path
- at the top-level of your org.eclipse.linuxtools clone, run:

  mvn -fae clean install

Things to note:

- version numbers must match between MANIFEST.MF/feature.xml and pom.xml

- builds of sub-directory can be done, but be sure that dependencies (on
  stuff in other directories) have been built ex. build profiling/
  before valgrind/ or oprofile/

- test bundles must have *all* of their dependencies listed in their
  MANIFEST.MF as Tycho does not let one "cheat" and use all plugins in
  the workspace when it runs the tests; I had to add some dependencies on
  org.eclipse.ui.ide.application and org.eclipse.cdt.managebuilder.gnu.ui
  to a few test bundles to make them run with Tycho

- there are no more test.xml files; just let the pom.xml do its magic
  finding tests

- there are no more .test features, map files, or the .all feature

- the build is now driven by the pom.xml files with inheritance of

|- pom.xml
|- autotools/pom.xml
|- changelog/pom.xml
|- ...
|- releng/pom.xml
\- releng/o.e.l.r-site/pom.xml

I know there will be a bit of pain with this move but I believe it's the
right move for the future.  I'll help wherever I can.  The nightly build
for Indigo should be back up and running very soon.  Also, our latest
committer, Chris Aniszczyk, is well-versed in Tycho and Maven and will
be able to lend a hand if we have any crazy issues.  Thanks to him for
his assistance and guidance getting this conversion going.

I updated our wiki pages to reflect the recent Git and Tycho moves.
Please feel free to add more information or correct things.



linuxtools-dev mailing list

Attachment: mvn.log
Description: mvn.log

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