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Re: [linuxtools-dev] is this the right place?

The best place for questions related to the CDT project [0] (or the eclipse-cdt RPM package) is their newsgroup [1].


That said, there are at least two people on this project who are Fedora users (I'm one of them), and at least one who's also a CDT user. So if you're not getting the answers you need from the CDT newsgroup, don't hesitate to ask here.

If you're an IRC user [2], there are also a few channels on FreeNode you can try too.



To start a project using Fedora Eclipse 3.4.1 / F10, install the eclipse-cdt-sdk (includes sources and inline help docs) or eclipse-cdt (no sources or docs) RPM. I'd also install the Mylyn [3] stuff to help focus your workspace, but that's optional:



Depending on where your project sources will be backed up, you may also want to install support for CVS, SVN, Hg, Bzr, or Git. There are plugins for all of these, some as rpms, others you'll have to get from those projects' update sites [4]. Just google for "eclipse bzr plugin" or "eclipse git support" and you'll find them.


Then go to File > New > Project and start coding! There are several tutorials, guides and walkthroughs listed on the CDT site [0].

Good luck!


jack craig wrote:
Hi Linux tools folks,

while i am not new to Linux, i am new to the use of IDE's. I used visual studio on vista recently and see how it can more cleanly organize and maintain a project. my past development has been done using vim to build/edit .c & .h files directly.

i want to start a new project using c/c++ with fedora eclipse 3.4.1 (FC10 base).

in trying to find an appropriate user community, i find a dizzying array of choices.
this group looks like a good fit, but am i mis-reading?

If i ask a newbie question will i be flamed out of existence? :)
perhaps some kind soul will profile this groups charter so i dont become a burden?

tia for your replies, jackc...

Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena

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