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[linux-distros-dev] Changelog plugin


Somewhat odd timing, but after a long hiatus from the Changelog plug-in I've decided to work on it on a semi-active role. I've been working on the the Frysk project for quite some time, but every programmer needs another hobby sub-project.

When I left the Changelog plug in in the state it was, and before Kyu made the excellent changes that he did, one of the areas I was most dissatisfied with was the the Formatter rules and extension points. Roughshod, and first bore the design was, to say the least. As it is right now, the only formatter that exists is the GNU Changelog formatter. This seems to be the most popular. And ultimately as it was GNU projects I worked on at the time, it was that formatter I wrote with little consideration beyond adhoc extension points I published. However down through the years one of the most often request feature I received from feedback was a: "formatter for X tool, or project". This required expert knowledge of the Changelog code itself, and did not lend itself to expansion.

So I wish to propose a formatter rewrite and a rehash of the rules associated with this. Before I do so, are there any specific formats to take in mind? I have the CDT project, XML Changelogs in mind. This might not be the widest audience out there, but the fiercest, and most complex section of the Changelog code ix the formatter - especially it seems with the GNU format. People get annoyed when the formatter (ie rules for maintenance boundaries, function guesses and so on) incorrectly produce an incorrect Changelog. ;)

Any ideas of projects, or any other suggestions would be welcome.



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