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Re: [leshan-dev] Enforcement of Permissions from Access Control Objects


I work for Oracle. We are evaluating Leshan for possible inclusion into a software product that we are developing.

Good to hear.
Which part of Leshan do you plan to reuse ? which version ?

I cannot find anywhere in the code where this variable is used to enforce permissions for servers attempting to perform operations on objects.
This class is used by Bootstrap Server.
This aims to store the ACL configuration which will be used to create request about populating ACL Object (2) to the client during a bootstrap session.
(So this is not aimed to be used by the client directly)

Does the code enforce permissions for servers attempting to perform operations on objects?
This concerns the client part and this is not implemented for now in Leshan Client. (See
By the way, note that Leshan Client does not support multi server too and ACL is mostly useful in this case. When your client support only 1 server not sure to see how you can use ACL ? (except maybe for testing purpose?)
But you should be able to use Leshan Bootstrap Server to configure another LWM2M client which supports ACL.

If no, are there any plans to add such a feature to the code?

Not planned for now.
I think this should be possible for you to add this kind of behavior without code modification in Leshan Library. (see this old thread maybe not so up to date :
But depending of your needed, maybe we can also consider to add it to Leshan library.
So please describe more precisely your needs ? (which part of Leshan do you need, which version of LWM2M, describe a bit more the use case, etc. )


Le 11/06/2022 à 03:04, Peter Sramka a écrit :

I work for Oracle. We are evaluating Leshan for possible inclusion into a software product that we are developing.


I was looking at the nested class ACLConfig which starts at line 356 of this file:

This class has an instance variable acls. I cannot find anywhere in the code where this variable is used to enforce permissions for servers attempting to perform operations on objects.


Does the code enforce permissions for servers attempting to perform operations on objects?

If yes, please direct me to the place in the source code where this is happening.

If no, are there any plans to add such a feature to the code?


Thank you,

Peter Sramka

Principal Engineer



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