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Re: [leshan-dev] Need information to test X509 certificate authentication client and server

Hi Simon,

Thank you so much for your timely reply. I was already using the endpoint name as CN. However you have correctly pointed out the port 5684 and thanks for it.
But now when I try to run the client I see the DTLS handshake is successful but the registration is shown as FORBIDDEN. Please help.

2020-09-11 19:47:38,471 INFO LeshanClient - Leshan client[endpoint:urn:gsma:imei:459241719596716] started.
2020-09-11 19:47:38,472 INFO DefaultRegistrationEngine - Trying to register to coaps://localhost:5684 ...
2020-09-11 19:47:38,568 INFO LeshanClientDemo - DTLS Full Handshake initiated by client : STARTED ...
2020-09-11 19:47:38,784 INFO LeshanClientDemo - DTLS Full Handshake initiated by client : SUCCEED
2020-09-11 19:47:38,839 INFO DefaultRegistrationEngine - Registration failed: FORBIDDEN .

2020-09-11 19:47:38,842 INFO DefaultRegistrationEngine - Try to register to coaps://localhost:5684 again in 600s...
2020-09-11 19:47:52,596 INFO LeshanClient - Destroying Leshan client ...
2020-09-11 19:47:52,604 INFO LeshanClient - Leshan client destroyed.

And another problem I am facing is with the leshan-1.0.0-M13 version. When I run the demo client I don't see any DTLS handshake messages.Please have a look at the following logs.

java -jar leshan-client-demo-1.0.0-M13-jar-with-dependencies.jar -cprik cprik.der -ccert self_signed_cert.der -scert serverCertificate.der -u localhost:5684 -n urn:gsma:imei:459241719596716
2020-09-11 19:55:29,970 INFO LeshanClientDemo - Press 'w','a','s','d' to change reported Location (-19.0,-27.0).
2020-09-11 19:55:29,970 INFO LeshanClient - Starting Leshan client ...
2020-09-11 19:55:33,905 INFO CaliforniumEndpointsManager - New endpoint created for server coaps://localhost:5684 at coaps://
2020-09-11 19:55:33,907 INFO LeshanClient - Leshan client[endpoint:urn:gsma:imei:459241719596716] started.
2020-09-11 19:55:33,908 INFO RegistrationEngine - Trying to register to coaps://localhost:5684 ...
2020-09-11 19:55:34,208 ERROR RegistrationEngine - Registration failed: FORBIDDEN .

2020-09-11 19:55:34,210 INFO RegistrationEngine - Try to register to coaps://localhost:5684 again in

Can you please help me in resolving this.


On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 6:25 PM Simon Bernard <contact@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


   I see at least 1 issue : you are using port 5683 : -u localhost:5683, correct port for DTLS is 5684 but if you are using standard port, you can omit the port leshan-client-demo will take the right one for you.

   I just test it on my own and it works for me.

   When you create the certificate for client, last step :

openssl req -x509 -new -key keys.pem -sha256 -days 36500 -outform DER -out self_signed_cert.der
   You should have this kind of question :

You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:
Locality Name (eg, city) []:
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []: urn:gsma:imei:459241719596716
Email Address []:
For common name did you set your device endpoint name ? as said in :

 -ccert <arg>   The path to your client certificate file.
                The certificate Common Name (CN) should generaly be equal to the client
                endpoint name (see -n option).
By the way to not forget to do reply-all to send you answer to the mailing list.


Le 11/09/2020 à 12:15, Rahul Miryala a écrit :
Hi Simon,
I have tried as per your suggestion but the client is not getting connected to the server as COAP Version assertion failure.

Steps I have followed
1.downloaded latest jar files client and server
2. created the client certificate with following steps(-ccert -scert and -cprik)using (
openssl ecparam -out keys.pem -name prime256v1 -genkey 
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in keys.pem -out cprik.der -nocrypt
openssl req -x509 -new -key keys.pem -sha256 -days 36500 -outform DER -out self_signed_cert.der
After running above commands I could see three files (cprik.der,self_signed_cert.der,keys.pem)
As I understand -ccert is self_signed_cert.der and -cprik is cprik.der 

and -scert downloaded from  http://localhost:8080/#/security and named it as serverCertificate
3. Ran the client like this  java -jar leshan-client-demo.jar -cprik cprik.der -scert serverCertificate.der -ccert self_signed_cert.der -u localhost:5683 -n urn:gsma:imei:459241719596716
I see this in server log
15:26:38.264 [CoapServer(main)#4] DEBUG - [LWM2M Server-coap://] discarding malformed message from [UDP(]: Message has invalid version: 0
15:26:51.288 [UDP-Receiver-[0]] DEBUG org.eclipse.californium.elements.UDPConnector - UDPConnector ( received 105 bytes from /
15:26:51.290 [CoapServer(main)#2] DEBUG - [LWM2M Server-coap://] discarding malformed message from [UDP(]: Messa

in Client log
2020-09-11 15:43:28,602 INFO LeshanClientDemo - DTLS Full Handshake initiated by client : FAILED (Handshake flight 1 failed! Stopped by timeout after 4 retransmissions!)
2020-09-11 15:43:28,604 INFO DefaultRegistrationEngine - Registration failed: Timeout.

Can you please confirm whether I am doing it correctly or not and help me in doing it correctly


On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 8:45 PM Simon Bernard <contact@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


   AFIAK, there is not a list like this.
   But If you want to write code, you could have a look to all integrations tests about x509 [1]. or look at demos sources code.

   If you just want to make demos works, you should start from leshan-client-demo option :

                | By default Leshan demo use non secure connection.                    |
                | To use X509, -ccert -cprik -scert options should be used together.   |
                | To get helps about files format and how to generate it, see :        |
                | See   |
 -ccert <arg>   The path to your client certificate file.
                The certificate Common Name (CN) should generaly be equal to the client
                endpoint name (see -n option).
                The certificate should be in X509v3 format (DER encoding).
 -scert <arg>   The path to your server certificate file.
                The certificate should be in X509v3 format (DER encoding).

So look at the recommanded page to create your certificate with a private key and you will have what you need for -cprik -ccert option. (warning : by default the certificate Common Name (CN) should be equal to the client)

For -scert you need to download it on security tab of server-demo. (see

Then you should configure the server to make it understand that your device will connect using x509. (By adding a new  client security configuration with x509 certificate security mode)
By default DEMO server trust any certificate but in real world you need to sign device certificate with a certificate you will put in the server truststore.





Le 08/09/2020 à 16:20, Rahul Miryala a écrit :
Hi All,

I am trying to test X509 certificate based authentication using leshan client and server but I am really confused with steps to be followed to test it.

Can someone help in this? Is there any list of steps to be followed to test it correctly.


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