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Re: [leshan-dev] Leshan Roadmap

a) So we can release a milestone release soon. Is it ok if we release in 1 or 2 week ?
    Waiting I advice you to integrate the master branch in development and report us if there is any trouble.

b) About the 1.0.0 version, we works on this, but we are not able to give you a date. We are more in a "debian release spirit" : the 1.0.0 version will be out when it will be ready.  Milestones release is usable we use it in production. We use milestones because API could change between 2 milestones releases. This is not ideal but I can not see another way.
    About the less frequent release, don't worry Leshan is an active project. There was no milestones release because there was no need until now and also because we was focus on Californium(CoAP stack) too.
    Do not hesitate to manifest your self when you need a milestone release.

c) About roadmap, we currently have no roadmap but :
    Opened issues and mainly opened PR should give you an insight of what will be the near future of Leshan.
    We could see here what are the supported feature [1] and so what is missing.
    Even if this is not set in stone, SMS and Bootstrap Server initiated are probably out of the scope of the 1.0.0 version.
    Object versioning, Server side Queue Mode, RPK+X509 at client side, ACL for bootstrap server seems to be features needed by community.
    Why we have no roadmap ? because we prefer to adapt ourself to users input. So if there are subjects you want to move forward please let us know or even better contribute to the project.



Le 11/01/2018 à 09:34, Elias Weingärtner a écrit :
Hi Ian, Hi Simon,

first of all thank you for your quick clarifications. 

I was asking for a roadmap for two particular reasons.

a) I've seen recent certain changes on the master branch that would be of interest for us. They are not part of the last milestone. More specifically, I've seen that Observe support for Instance Enablers has been integrated in October, and this would be highly beneficial for our ongoing implementation efforts.

b) It is no secret that Cumulocity is currently preparing LWM2M support for its platform. We rely on Leshan as library for basic LWM2M connectivity. We've noticed that the frequency of milestone releases has decreased, and I was curious if this was a sign of an upcoming major release or more of a "relaxed progress" in the project. So far, we're using 1.0.0-M4, but for production use we would strongly prefer a formally released version. In addition, for the further planning of our developments it would be great to know roughly how Leshan will evolve over the next time. This will allow us to align our development with the Leshan roadmap.

Best Regards,

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 8:18 PM, Ian Skerrett <ian.skerrett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Elias, are there specific features you are looking for in an M5 release?


It is important that all Eclipse projects have a project roadmap that at a minimum provides a schedule for the next release. This is an important part of being an open, transparent project within the Eclipse community. I would highly encourage you to work with the other committers to create a plan and roadmap for Eclipse Leshan.

I also think it is important Leshan has a plan to do a formal release. Leshan has been in development for over 3 years so I think it is time to do a formal release view. A release review is an important step in validating the IP of Eclipse projects, again another important part of being an Eclipse project.

I would like to request the Eclipse IoT PMC to provide any assistance you might need to getting a format release review scheduled and completed.


On 1/10/2018 11:15 AM, Simon Bernard wrote:


  There is no roadmap.
  But we can consider to release a new milestone soon if this is needed.

  Did you try to integrate master and see if it seems right for you ?

  If you are using the RedisRegistrationStore, we break the data structure compatibility, so you could be interested by [1].



Le 10/01/2018 à 11:57, Elias Weingärtner a écrit :
Hi there,

just a short question: When can we expect the next Milestone (M5) to be released? Is there a public roadmap of the project?

Best Regards,

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