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Re: [leshan-dev] Unable to modify leshan-client-demo for new instance creation of existing lwm2m objects ( /3303 )


   I think that was a bug. You don't need to add this line to be able to create new sensor.
   This should be fixed in master (commit



Le 14/02/2017 à 09:30, Kiran Pradeep a écrit :
Leshan client demo provides a sample random temperature object at /3303. I wanted to create new instances of this object and so changed only 1 line in 222) to 

initializer.setClassForObject(OBJECT_ID_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, RandomTemperatureSensor.class);

Even with this change, I am unable to create new instances of /3303 from Leshan Server UI. Every thing other than new object creating works. Client continues to get registered with server and server could read resources from client. Kindly suggest if there any thing else, that needs to be done to creating new instances of objects ?

My leshan server and client code is unchanged from 1.0.0-M1 github tag with the above single line change. Please note that none of /3303 are mandatory write resources and so creation should have succeeded( unit test comment ).


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