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Re: [leshan-dev] Scalability of Leshan implementation.

I think Kai greatly answered your question. if you have perf problem is probably going to be in your backend/database behind Leshan code.
Anyway if you have any trouble don't hesitate to report them!
Load balancing UDP can be a little tricky, we use LVS, works great, send the sourceip/port to the same machine.

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 9:52 AM Hudalla Kai (INST/ESY) <Kai.Hudalla@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Ugur,


first off, I have to admit that I did not (yet) make any such performance/scalability tests. That being said, the overall intent of LWM2M is to be very resource friendly in the first place so that constrained devices can be managed having limited memory, cpu, bandwidth resources. So on the server side, we are trying to keep as little state a possible/necessary to be able to manage the devices. Thus, even if I do not have numbers verified by tests, I am pretty positive that you should be able to connect  way more than 1000 devices to a single leshan instance. I would think that 100000 up to a million should be easily possible on an instance.  One of the important factors influencing the number of the managed devices and performance should be the number of LWM2M Observations you create and maintain since their state is kept in memory. It seems that this is your intended use case because a device can only “upload” data to the LWM2M server by means of a Notification sent in reply to an Observation created from the server side.


Maybe Julien can provide some information as well based on his experience of using leshan at Sierra Wireless?


In any case, if we are not able to manage several hundreds of thousands of devices per node (instance) we are doing something wrong and need to address this in our future development.





From: leshan-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:leshan-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ugur Kirbac
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 3:02 PM
To: leshan-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [leshan-dev] Scalability of Leshan implementation.



Is there anyone who has experimented on performance, resource allocation and scalability of Leshan instance?

How many client can register to one Leshan instance?

What is the resource allocation for multiple Leshan instances?


Let’s say we have 1000 customers, each customer has 1000 client devices and each device has  pushing data every 10 seconds for 5 IPSO objects.  My first idea would be the create a Leshan instance for each customer but if there is any existing scenario for scaling big the entire system I would like to hear more about it.



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