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[kura-dev] Kura on Intel Edison



I recently started evaluating (playing with) Kura on the Intel Edison. I’m experiencing some problems getting it going. 


What is the expected completeness/robustness of Kura 1.3 on Edison?

Which Linux distribution does Kura support on Edison?  Note: I’m using the Intel IOT Dev Kit image (Yocto).


An example of a problem that I’m observing is with the administration web application.  I can log in with admin/admin and see the web app, but clicking on any of the icons under “System” results in “Loading…”…that never loads.  Note: the first time I tried it after installation, some information was displayed.  In addition, there are no options under “Services”, whereas the first execution showed some icons/options.


Being new to the environment, I don’t know how to diagnose the problem(s).  Any insights appreciated.


Note: I’m using the Kura 1.3.0 Extended Download for Intel Edison (With Web UI) from here:




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