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Re: [kura-dev] ConnectionFactory service interface never found


sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

This happened while running in the emulator and in kura 1.0.0 (stable) running on a Raspi. The emulator on OSX had ttyUSB0 as port, and the Pi ttyAMA0. Whereas the emulator had no exceptions at all (the service just never got started) on the Pi it gets started but throws an exception: javax.comm.NoSuchPortException
at org.eclipse.kura.core.comm.CommConnectionFactory.createConnection(

Hope this helps.

All the best,

On 05 Oct 2014, at 07:23, Woodard, David <David.Woodard@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi John,

Can you search both the /var/log/kura.log and /var/log/kura-console.log files for errors? In particular look for “No such port” errors. If you don’t see any errors, can you provide some information about your system, specifically the mount point for the serial port (ex: /dev/ttyS0)? We did have to change the serial native library for Kura and it is not quite as dynamic and finding serial ports.


On Oct 4, 2014, at 9:28 AM, John Read <> wrote:

Dear all,

we're in the process of migrating our codebase from ESF to Kura. The transition was mostly painless, but we ran into one issue. We cannot get a reference to the ConnectionFactory so we can access the serial port. It doesn't work in our code but also not in the serial publisher kura example. Our current code base used the Kura Workspace 1.0 download from the home page.

More specifically, in the component xml description we request a reference to the ConnectionFactory via:
<reference bind="setConnectionFactory" cardinality="1..1" interface="" name="ConnectionFactory" policy="static" unbind="unsetConnectionFactory"/>

But the service never gets started by the OSGi framework. If I remove the reference statement, the service is started but setConnectionFactory never gets called.

Any pointers would be highly appreciated.

Thanks and all the best,

John Read
Tel: +49-89-454590-34
Mob:  +49-1752014830
HRB München 139 379
GF: E.Kampmann, J.Read
Ust.-Id: DE 216 798 561

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