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Re: [jts-dev] SingleSidedBuffer does not always use the precision of the precisionmodel

The  snapping controlled by CURVE_VERTEX_SNAP_DISTANCE_FACTOR is a heuristic which improves the robustness and performance of buffer generation.  It was introduced before the Single Sided Buffer code was added. For regular buffers (which are approximations anyway) the heuristic has a generally unnoticeable effect on the generated buffer.  Unfortunately as you observe, this heuristic produces visible artifacts in single-sided buffers.

Ensuring the factor is less than the precision model might be an effective fix.  Alternatively, it might be possible to disable snapping for single-side-buffers entirely.  The issue is how to test this to see if it causes any problems.  If you are able to build from source you could try this out.  Creating an issue on GitHub for this would be useful as well.

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