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Re: [jpa-dev] Fork of Persistence 3.2 (Standalone TCK)...

We will merge the pull request soon.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 3:26 PM Scott Marlow <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

There is a longer story behind why I created Platform TCK pull request [1] for which I will try to summarize here briefly.  First though, please do approve (directly or via comment) the pull request if you agree with the change.  

At a very high level, I have wanted to separate component/standalone TCKs from the Jakarta EE Platform TCK whether that involved moving TCK tests to the relevant Specification (e.g. Persistence) project or just separating the component/standalone tests into a separate test folder in the Platform TCK.  The [1] pull request change is not motivated by either of these high level ideas but instead is a way to reduce the time it will take to prepare a Platform TCK for the Jakarta EE 11 release. 

What is done by the [1] change

Each Jakarta EE TCK test will extend PMClientBase [2] which in turn extends com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ServiceEETest as it did in Jakarta EE 10.  This is a requirement identified by issue 1418 [3] that makes it possible for most of our EE 11 Platform TCK TCK Persistence tests to work as currently written.  This is why we need the [1] change for the EE 11 Platform TCK.

To preserve the Persistence 3.2 component/standalone TCK as it was developed for the Persistence 3.2 release, we created a separate copy of the needed TCK test sources called "jpa-tck" with the Persistence tests for the Platform TCK in the "jpa" folder.  I hope that we can improve these two separate (jpa) TCK test folders after the Jakarta EE 11 release in a way that reduces the duplication such that the Platform TCK (Persistence) tests extend the component/standalone TCK tests instead of duplicating them.



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