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[jpa-dev] Optimistic Locking: How to suppress version increment for some updates?

Hi all

I am currently using optimistic locking with a simple version column on calendar appointment entity:

   private Integer version;

I would like to be able to skip the version increment for certain entity updates.

I tried this (which did not work):
ContactEvent ce = em.find(ContactEvent.class, contactEventId, LockModeType.NONE);

Then I found that this hibernate annotation could probably help me to suppress the version increment in some cases:
@OptimisticLock(excluded = true)

But I am using Payara and EclipseLink does not seem to support this feature.

Does anyone have an idea how to cleanly suppress a version increment for certain updates (maybe via listeners)?

If there is currently no clean way when, then can we add this kind of annotation (@OptimisticLock) to the jpa spec in future?


Rainer Schamm

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