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Re: [jnosql-dev] User help to get JNoSQL running within an appserver

hey, how are you?
Yeah, you came to the right place to do questions and contribute to the project itself, so welcome aboard.
Please, feel free to do either as many questions or feedback as you want.
About the issue, I believe that you forget one dependency, the configuration one:

This library has the engine to handle with several configurations in the future. In the future, we are going to use Eclipse MicroProfile Configuration as a configuration engine.

On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 9:00 AM <eclipse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Moin all.

Not sure if this is the right audience for a user question regarding JNoSQL but I found no "users" list to subscribe to, just this DEV list. Let's see what happens :-)

I'm working on a POC to migrate some Java project from SQL to NoSQL and wanted to use JNoSQL for it. So I started off looking at to get to know the project. And it works very well! When I integrated the Java SE example (which initializes Weld - for CDI - manually) into the existing Java project (Java EE application that runs on Java 11 / WildFly16 at the moment), however, I get a dependency error:

WELD-001334: Unsatisfied dependencies for type ConfigurationReader with qualifiers @Default

I'm using JNoSQL version 0.0.9, in case that matters. To make it easily reproducible for anyone who cares to have a look I pushed a stripped-down and obfuscated version of the project's structure to which runs into the issue when its integration tests run. They fire up a managed Wildfly 16 and thus reproduce the issue within the environment where the issue occurs. It's sufficient to clone that repo and do a Maven build (mvn verify), the local CouchDB instance does not have to run to reproduce the issue.

Does anyone by chance know what the problem is here?

TIA for any help!

Cheers, Bjoern
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Otávio Santana

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