This list is probably inaccurate since I didn't check other stats to find activities in Code Review or Bugzilla.
Please speak up and reply to this email if you think that any committer marked as inactive in this draft
should stay listed as active committer and explain why.
committer since last commit active
Andrey Loskutov 2015-10-09 2017-04-05 yes
Christian Halstrick 2009-06-15 2018-07-17 yes (initial committer)
Dave Borowitz 2012-10-04 2018-06-20 yes
David Pursehouse 2016-10-13 2018-07-27 yes (listed twice in PMI)
Jonathan Nieder 2015-05-29 2018-07-24 yes
Matthias Sohn 2009-06-15 2018-07-27 yes (initial committer, project lead)
Sasa Zivkov 2011-04-07 2017-10-27 yes
Terry Parker 2015-11-24 2018-07-16 yes
Thomas Wolf 2017-10-17 2018-07-18 yes
Chris Aniszczyk 2009-06-15 2012-12-03 no (initial committer)
Colby Ranger 2012-10-18 2013-12-06 no
Gunnar Wagenknecht 2009-06-15 none no (initial committer)
Kevin Sawicki 2011-12-07 2013-10-30 no
Mathias Kinzler 2011-02-14 2011-03-24 no
Robin Rosenberg 2009-06-15 2014-08-22 no (initial committer)
Robin Stocker 2013-02-28 2014-11-30 no
Stefan Lay 2009-06-15 2014-06-18 no
Shawn Pearce 2009-06-15 2017-12-14 no (initial committer, project lead) (RIP)