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[jgit-build] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: jgit #1198

See <>


[Colby Ranger] Add the an event and listener for a dfs PackIndex being loaded.

[...truncated 1265 lines...]
[INFO] --- maven-javadoc-plugin:2.8.1:jar (attach-javadocs) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit ---
[INFO] Building jar: <>
[INFO] >>> findbugs-maven-plugin:2.5.2:check (default) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit >>>
[INFO] --- findbugs-maven-plugin:2.5.2:findbugs (findbugs) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit ---
[INFO] Fork Value is true
     [java] Warnings generated: 5
[INFO] Done FindBugs Analysis....
[INFO] <<< findbugs-maven-plugin:2.5.2:check (default) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit <<<
[INFO] --- findbugs-maven-plugin:2.5.2:check (default) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit ---
[INFO] BugInstance size is 5
[INFO] Error size is 0
[INFO] Total bugs: 5
[INFO] org.eclipse.jgit.junit.LocalDiskRepositoryTestCase.tearDown() forces garbage collection; extremely dubious except in benchmarking code ["org.eclipse.jgit.junit.LocalDiskRepositoryTestCase"] At[lines 92-454]
[INFO] exceptional return value of ignored in org.eclipse.jgit.junit.LocalDiskRepositoryTestCase.write(String) ["org.eclipse.jgit.junit.LocalDiskRepositoryTestCase"] At[lines 92-454]
[INFO] org.eclipse.jgit.junit.LocalDiskRepositoryTestCase$ forces garbage collection; extremely dubious except in benchmarking code ["org.eclipse.jgit.junit.LocalDiskRepositoryTestCase$1"] At[lines 117-127]
[INFO] Should org.eclipse.jgit.junit.MockSystemReader$MockConfig be a _static_ inner class? ["org.eclipse.jgit.junit.MockSystemReader$MockConfig"] At[lines 65-77]
[INFO] exceptional return value of ignored in org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository.packAndPrune() ["org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository"] At[lines 108-700]
[INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:2.7.1:cpd-check (default) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit >>>
[INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:2.7.1:cpd (cpd) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit ---
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:2.7.1:cpd-check (default) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit <<<
[INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:2.7.1:cpd-check (default) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit ---
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] >>> clirr-maven-plugin:2.4:clirr (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit >>>
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.7:parse-version (set-osgi-version) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit ---
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (translate-qualifier) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit ---
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] <<< clirr-maven-plugin:2.4:clirr (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit <<<
[INFO] --- clirr-maven-plugin:2.4:clirr (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit ---
[INFO] Comparing to version:
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.5:deploy (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit ---
[INFO] Using alternate deployment repository localremote::default::file://<>
Downloading: file://<>
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (33 KB at 2721.8 KB/sec)
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (4 KB at 3533.2 KB/sec)
Downloading: file://<>
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (788 B at 384.8 KB/sec)
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (298 B at 13.9 KB/sec)
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (21 KB at 6815.8 KB/sec)
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (1002 B at 489.3 KB/sec)
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (64 KB at 15978.0 KB/sec)
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (2 KB at 593.8 KB/sec)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building JGit - JUnit Http Utility Classes 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Deleting <>
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.7:parse-version (set-osgi-version) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (translate-qualifier) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Compiling 7 source files to <>
[INFO] >>> maven-source-plugin:2.2:jar (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http >>>
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.7:parse-version (set-osgi-version) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] <<< maven-source-plugin:2.2:jar (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http <<<
[INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.2:jar (attach-sources) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Building jar: <>
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory <>
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.2:test (default-test) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Building jar: <>
[INFO] --- maven-javadoc-plugin:2.8.1:jar (attach-javadocs) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Building jar: <>
[INFO] >>> findbugs-maven-plugin:2.5.2:check (default) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http >>>
[INFO] --- findbugs-maven-plugin:2.5.2:findbugs (findbugs) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Fork Value is true
[INFO] Done FindBugs Analysis....
[INFO] <<< findbugs-maven-plugin:2.5.2:check (default) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http <<<
[INFO] --- findbugs-maven-plugin:2.5.2:check (default) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] BugInstance size is 0
[INFO] Error size is 0
[INFO] No errors/warnings found
[INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:2.7.1:cpd-check (default) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http >>>
[INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:2.7.1:cpd (cpd) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:2.7.1:cpd-check (default) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http <<<
[INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:2.7.1:cpd-check (default) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] >>> clirr-maven-plugin:2.4:clirr (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http >>>
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.7:parse-version (set-osgi-version) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (translate-qualifier) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3:resources (default-resources) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1:compile (default-compile) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] <<< clirr-maven-plugin:2.4:clirr (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http <<<
[INFO] --- clirr-maven-plugin:2.4:clirr (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Comparing to version:
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.5:deploy (default-cli) @ org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http ---
[INFO] Using alternate deployment repository localremote::default::file://<>
Downloading: file://<>
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (22 KB at 7003.6 KB/sec)
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (5 KB at 2019.0 KB/sec)
Downloading: file://<>
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (793 B at 387.2 KB/sec)
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (303 B at 147.9 KB/sec)
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (16 KB at 7819.3 KB/sec)
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (1007 B at 983.4 KB/sec)
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (57 KB at 18828.1 KB/sec)
Uploading: file://<>
Uploaded: file://<> (2 KB at 1192.4 KB/sec)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building JGit - Core Tests 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] JGit - Parent ..................................... SUCCESS [12.714s]
[INFO] JGit - Core ....................................... SUCCESS [2:37.921s]
[INFO] JGit - Ant Tasks .................................. SUCCESS [38.036s]
[INFO] JGit - AWT User Interface ......................... SUCCESS [34.726s]
[INFO] JGit - HTTP Server ................................ SUCCESS [46.916s]
[INFO] JGit - Eclipse IP Log Generator ................... SUCCESS [40.523s]
[INFO] JGit - Console User Interface ..................... SUCCESS [28.957s]
[INFO] JGit - Command Line Interface ..................... SUCCESS [1:00.053s]
[INFO] JGit - JUnit Utility Classes ...................... SUCCESS [40.364s]
[INFO] JGit - JUnit Http Utility Classes ................. SUCCESS [35.111s]
[INFO] JGit - Core Tests ................................. FAILURE [0.213s]
[INFO] JGit - Ant Tasks Tests ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] JGit - HTTP Tests ................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] JGit - Command Line Interface Tests ............... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 8:18.549s
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Nov 02 14:20:00 EDT 2012
[INFO] Final Memory: 56M/1065M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project org.eclipse.jgit.test: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.test:jar:2.2.0-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies for [junit:junit:jar:4.5 (test), org.hamcrest:hamcrest-library:jar:[1.1.0,2.0.0) (test), org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit:jar:2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (compile), org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.junit:jar:2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (compile), org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.ui:jar:2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (compile), org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.console:jar:2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (compile), org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.iplog:jar:2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (compile), org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.pgm:jar:2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (compile)]: No versions available for org.hamcrest:hamcrest-library:jar:[1.1.0,2.0.0) within specified range -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :org.eclipse.jgit.test
[DRY] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[FINDBUGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
Archiving artifacts
Publishing Javadoc
Recording test results

This message is automatically generated by Hudson. 
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