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Re: [jetty-users] Omit Stacktraces in error pages


You can use a GlobalWebappConfigBinding in the deployer to apply an XML file to every deployed context. This should allow you to get the error page and then set the no stack field.

I thought we had some doco/examples, but I'm struggling to find them.   @Joakim Erdfelt do you know of any such examples?


On Wed, 29 Jun 2022 at 17:55, Lothar Kimmeringer <job@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm wondering how to get Jetty to omit stack traces in error pages
globally (programmatically). I've tried to get the Server's
ErrorHandler before start up, after startup and by setting my
own in order to set showStack(false). But this has no effect
#on added web applications where own ErrorHandlers are set that
still show stack traces.

Before I start to write a method recursively going through
the whole server searching for error handlers, what's the
"official" way of getting this configured? The documentation
I've found so far only shows how to set custom error handlers
or simply says that an error handler can be set to the server
and to contexts.

Thanks and cheers, Lothar
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