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Re: [jetty-users] Fail-fast request handling best practices

Note that if you can control the client, then you can use the Expect: 100-Continue header to avoid sending the body until the headers are checked... but that doesn't work if the client is just a browser.

It does seem like Nginx could do better if jetty has already send a 400 with connect:close and then closes the connection.  It is wrong for nginx to say bad gateway, as that is a perfectly legal thing to do in HTTP.

On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 at 18:00, Simone Bordet <sbordet@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 6:45 AM Daniel Gredler <djgredler@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm playing around with a Jetty-based API service deployed to AWS Elastic Beanstalk in a Docker container. The setup is basically: EC2 load balancer -> nginx reverse proxy -> Docker container running the Jetty service.
> One of the API endpoints accepts large POST requests. As a safeguard, I wanted to add a maximum request size (e.g. any request body larger than 1 MB is rejected). I thought I'd be clever and check the Content-Length header, if present. If the header indicates that the body is too large, I'd reject the request immediately (HTTP 400 error), without even wasting time reading the request body. I can imagine similar fail-fast checks on the security side, using the Authorization HTTP request header.
> This Content-Length check works correctly most of the time, but occasionally nginx reports "writev() failed (32: Broken pipe) while sending request to upstream" and sends a HTTP 502 error upstream to the load balancer, which duly informs the client that there was a HTTP 502 Bad Gateway error somewhere along the line.
> It appears that in these instances Jetty is closing the connection after sending back the HTTP 400 error, nginx doesn't notice and continues to try to send the request body content to Jetty, sees at that point that the connection is closed, and reports a less-than-friendly HTTP 502 error to the client.
> So I'm wondering... is this fail-fast Content-Length header check too clever? Is it best practice to actually always read the full request body, and only fail once the body has been fully read, even if we have enough information to reject the request much earlier? Or would most people just accept the occasional 502 error? I've seen some mentions of SO_LINGER / setSoLingerTime and setAcceptQueueSize as possible workarounds, but SO_LINGER especially always seems to be surrounded with "here be dragons" warnings...
> What's the best practice here? Should I just accept that I need to read these useless bytes?

Don't use SO_LINGER.
Your best option is to read all the bytes; would be best if you can do
this asynchronously.

The problem is that by the time you close the connection from Jetty,
Nginx may not have received the whole content from the client.
So Jetty closes, then Nginx receives some more content from the
client, tries to write to Jetty, but finds the connection closed, and
reports back the 502.

Not reading the content will just cause the TCP connection to congest
with the same results (502), so if you really want to send a clean 400
you have to read the whole content.

Simone Bordet
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