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[jetty-users] Modifying the HTTP/1.1 Response Status Line's HTTP Version indicator

Hi all

I am implementing the Apple Home Accessory Protocol on top of Jetty 9.3.x. HAP defines a notification/eventing mechanism on top of HTTP

The spec states:

"The accessory delivers notifications by sending an event message, which is an unsolicited HTTP response, over the TCP connection established by the controller. An event message has the same format as an HTTP response, but uses an protocol version of EVENT/1.0.”

Question: how can the version indicator be changed?

My initial though was to write an extension of HttpConnection, and override newHttpGenerator() with a custom HttpGenerator (which is most probably a copy/past from Jetty's built-in HttpGenerator except for that fact that generateResponse() might use a different generateResponseLine() in function of the presence or absence of a to-be-defined X-... Header. I would set that Header in the Handler/Servlet's doHandle() whenever the protocol has to be “switched"


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