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[jetty-users] Jetty 9.4.21 regression in Listener calls made

After upgrading from Jetty 9.4.20 to 9.4.21, one of my regression tests is failing.

I have tracked this down to a test where I create an embedded Jetty server and client, enabling h2c on both (HTTPS is not configured), and doing a simple GET request, with no body, from the client to the server. The org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.Listener I installed into the server is getting onRequestEnd(Request) called without its onRequestBegin(request) having been previously called.

Is this enough information, or would you need me to construct a reduced test case?

(And I noticed that 9.4.21 is, for HTTP/1.1, no longer passing through the HTTP status message returned from the servlet or HTTP server.)

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