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Re: [jetty-users] Updating Solr to allow http2

IIRC, TLS (w/ALPN) is required for all user-agents to use for HTTP/2.

There is a protocol called "h2c" that allows for HTTP/2 in clear-text, but no client supports that.
However many load balancers, and proxies do.

If you have such a setup, then the LB or Proxy would talk to Jetty via "h2c".

As for Jetty support for "h2c", that's a different connection factory. (HTTP2CServerConnectionFactory vs HTTP2ServerConnectionFactory)
See: (and line #116)

Joakim Erdfelt / joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 2:10 PM, Shawn Heisey <eclipse@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2/26/2018 12:02 PM, Joakim Erdfelt wrote:
> Don't forget to think about what JVM Runtime you are running on.
> Java 1.8?  Then you need a -Xbootclasspath/p:<path_to_alpn_boot_jar> for
> your alpn-boot-<jvm-version-dependent>.jar
> JVM Version to alpn-boot
> table:
> Java 9?  Then you don't use alpn-boot, but instead you need
> `jetty-alpn-java-server` artifact present in your classpath (don't add
> this artifact for Java 1.8 runtime)

Recent Solr versions support Java 8 and Java 9.  We recommend either
Oracle or OpenJDK, because other implementations (primarily IBM's) are
known to have problems with Lucene-based software.  Because Solr does
not enforce one provider over another, I have absolutely no idea what
JVM the user will be using.

Reading the page you provided about ALPN, it sounds like Solr could
probably include the conscrypt provider (and any dependencies that
requires) and have everything work.  When we update to require Java 9,
then Solr can switch to the provider using the ALPN support built into
the JVM.  The documentation for Solr can refer users to Jetty
documentation if they really want to use a different ALPN provider.

Does HTTP/2 on Jetty require TLS, or can it work without encryption?  I
know that TLS is definitely preferred, and most clients will require it,
but it's a question I know people will ask, so I want to get it answered
now.  I'm going to guess that TLS will be required.

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