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Re: [jetty-users] jetty 9.4.6 - getting null servletcontext in servlets

Upon further trouble shooting  I found out it is related to new changes to 9.4.x session management changes.   As long as I use the default session handler everything works fine.  But when I attach a custom session handler the WebAppContext the servlets are not initialized with servletcontext.


//offending code

Context.setSessionHandler(new MyCustomSessionHandler());



Public class MyCustomSessionHandler extends Sessionhandler


  Public MyCustomSessionHandler()






From: Raghavan, Aravind
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2017 11:05 AM
To: 'jetty-users@xxxxxxxxxxx' <jetty-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: jetty 9.4.6 - getting null servletcontext in servlets


Hi All,


I recently upgraded from jetty 9.3.11 to 9.4.6 .  And after upgrade  none of my servlets are able to get servlet context.  getServletContext() always returns null.  Can you please help me figure out what I am doing wrong? 


Relevant section of code:


handlers_ = new HandlerCollection(true);

chc_ = new ContextHandlerCollection();

for(WebAppConfig wap: webAppConfigs)   //webappconfig a POJO from where I am getting webapp configs


  String path = wap.getPath();

  String warFile = wap.getWarFile();

  WebAppContext context =

    new WebAppContext(chc_, warFile, path);



  for (ServletConfig servletConfig: wap.getServletConfigs())  //ServletConfig is another POJO to get servlet configs


    String servletName = servletConfig.getName();

    String servletPath = servletConfig.getPath();

    Servlet servlet = servletConfig.getServlet();  

    ServletHolder servletHolder = new ServletHolder(servlet);

    context.addServlet(servletHolder, servletPath);



handlers_.setHandlers(new Handler[] { chc_, new DefaultHandler()});




Note the same code worked fined with 9.3.11.  Getting null context only after upgrading to 9.4.6.  I am not sure what has changed in 9.4.x to cause this issue.  I can’t find any changes (other than Session Management) in documentation.







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