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Re: [jetty-users] Keep-alive config

Thanks Chris.
I had sent those mails but didn't see a reply or the sent mail in my gmail account.
Sorry for spamming the user list.

On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 1:27 AM, Chris Walker <chris@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Both Greg and Joakim have provided answers to this on the mailing list already:

Specifically, to quote Joakim:

The idea of a server side configuration for connection "keep-alive" really doesn't makes sense in any version of HTTP ... with a server that honors the HTTP spec properly.
If the switch exists to enable "keep-alive", then it has no meaning in HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 (this is default behavior). To enable "keep-alive" in HTTP/1.0 requires the user-agent to send the "Connection: keep-alive" header (server cannot force this).
If the switch exists to disable "keep-alive", then it has no need in HTTP/1.1 (just add the "Connection: close" header to your responses, in a filter or rewrite rule if you want). HTTP/2 cannot disable it, and HTTP/1.0 is already behaving the way you want.
So, in short, if you want persistent connections, use HTTP/1.1 (or HTTP/2), don't specify "Connection: close" (on client request headers or server response headers), and don't do anything that violates the HTTP spec (as that will be an error that closes the connection).

"Keep Alive" is not something Jetty-specific and there are no controls to modify the behavior that are Jetty-specific. HTTP/2 Connections are persistent by default as are ones in HTTP 1.1.


On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 3:06 PM, anurag gupta <anurag.11feb@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Are there any tweakable parameters for Keep-Alive in jetty ?


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