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Re: [jetty-users] Binding Jetty HttpClient to Network Interface Card


Am 29.09.2016 um 22:36 schrieb davidjesse091@xxxxxxx:
The setBindAddress method takes in an ipaddress or hostname and a port
 number, I don't understand what the port number is for.

To specify where the client should listen for incoming requests.

 I used the binding functionality of Apache HttpComponents and I
 had to provide it with a InetAddress. But I am straggling to find
 a way to make it work for Jetty

Find a free port and use it for calling that method, e.g.

ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(0, 1, getByName(""));
SocketAddress sa = ss.getLocalSocketAddress();

Since I don't use that kind of functionality (I'm developing on
the server side), this is just an educated guess.

Cheers, Lothar

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