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Re: [jetty-users] Disable invalid HTTP method error page

Hello Jan,

Thanks for the reply. At least I now know that Jetty would deny with an HTTP status instead of an error page, which probably means the methods are not blocked properly.

I was so stupid not to mention that I am using Jetty in embedded mode. I do not use the web-application stuff nor do I have a web.xml. I must be doing something wrong with my embedding code. I will dive into this and come back here if I have questions.



On 01/15/2016 03:16 AM, Jan Bartel wrote:
Hi Silvio,

Both the jetty unit tests and informal testing show that jetty will return an error 403 Forbidden. For example, see:

Section of the 3.1 Servlet Spec requires that 403 Forbidden is returned for denied uncovered methods:

"When the deny-uncovered-http-methods flag is set in the web.xml of an
application, the container must deny any HTTP protocol method when it is used
with a request URL for which the HTTP method is uncovered at the combined
security constraint that applies to the url-pattern that is the best match for the
request URL. The denied request shall be rejected as forbidden and a 403
(SC_FORBIDDEN) status code shall be returned."

Hope that helps,

On 14 January 2016 at 21:54, Silvio Bierman <sbierman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello all,

I am using Jetty 9.3.6.v20151106 and use ConstraintSecurityHandler to explicitly cover HTTP methods. I have called securityHandler.setDenyUncoveredHttpMethods(true).

The problem is that Jetty does not actually deny the methods with a status 405 but instead returns an HTML page containing an error message. Security scanners employed by several of my customers flag this as allowing potentially harmful methods.

How can I get Jetty to 405 uncovered methods? Do I have to cover them and 405 them myself?



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Jan Bartel <janb@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Expert assistance from the creators of Jetty and CometD

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