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Re: [jetty-users] using nginx or other Webserver in front of Jetty

Hi Sebastian,

> Am 19.06.2015 um 04:00 schrieb Sebastian Gutierrez <scgm11@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> is there any real advantage to use nginx in front of jetty or other webserver? Ive been using jetty for a long time, but always delivering static files (html,css,js,mp3, etc) with other webserver and proxying requests to servlets to jetty. But now that jetty support http2 isn't a good idea to serve everything servlets and static content through jetty? so I don't have to manage 2 different servers? is there any drawback? 

It depends on your specific application. I use nginx in front of an haproxy in front of two jetty server.

The haproxy allows me to perform an application upgrade without downtime. (I.e. i`ve got a „primary“ jetty server and a „backup“ one. The backup one is only started through update, so that while the primary restarts the application is still reachable).

The nginx frontend allows me to 

 - Cache resources which the jetty application creates on the fly. Sometimes this resources take a while to generate, so this gives me a performance boost. (e.g. i compress my javascript on the fly in the server, because the web design times makes updates all the time, precompressing in a build step would not work … Also i downscale images dynamically, i.e. we have every image in retina resolution and downscale on the fly (=> img.srcset))
 - Change my multi domain setup, including ssl certificate upgrades without downtime.
 - Upgrade nginx without downtime on the fly.

So depending on your application it may make sense to use nginx in front of jetty.

cu Emmeran

Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Augsburg

Emmeran Seehuber
Dipl. Inf. (FH)
Schrannenstraße 8
86150 Augsburg
USt-IdNr.: DE266070804

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