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Re: [jetty-users] response.getOutputStream().write() hangs forever if client doesn't consume the response


On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 11:10 PM, Benjamin Jaton
<benjamin.jaton@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The change I am talking about is between RC1 and RC2, not between RC1 and
> 8.1.16.
> So that's probably easier to isolate.
> This has been tried on:
> - Ubuntu 12.04 / JDK 8u05
> - Windows 7 pro / JDK 8u11
> Server connection configuration is just in the code itself
> :
>   SelectChannelConnector httpConnector = new SelectChannelConnector();
>   httpConnector.setPort(8080);
>   httpConnector.setMaxIdleTime(10000);
> We tried with Jetty 9.3.0.M1 with the same behaviour.

Please file an issue, and if possible attach a reproducible test case.

Thanks !

Simone Bordet
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