Hi Joakim,
thank you for your reply.
I tried to put „--module=spdy“ in start.ini, and then also tried this command:
java -jar start.jar --module=spdy
but I still get the same ClassNotFoundException (org.eclipse.jetty.spdy.http.HTTPSPDYServerConnector).
The result of java –jar start.jar --list-config is this:
Java Environment:
java.home=C:\Program Files\Java\jre7
java.vm.vendor=Oracle Corporation
java.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
java.vm.info=mixed mode
java.runtime.name=Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
Jetty Environment:
JVM Arguments:
(no jvm args specified)
System Properties:
jetty.base = C:\jetty9
jetty.home = C:\jetty9
http.timeout = 30000
jetty.dump.start = false
jetty.dump.stop = false
jetty.port = 8080
threads.max = 200
threads.min = 10
threads.timeout = 60000
Jetty Server Classpath:
Version Information on 42 entries in the classpath.
Note: order presented here is how they would appear on the classpath.
changes to the --module=name command line options will be reflected here.
0: (dir) | ${jetty.home}\resources
1: 3.1.0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\servlet-api-3.1.jar
2: 3.1.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-schemas-3.1.jar
3: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-http-9.1.0.RC0.jar
4: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-continuation-9.1.0.RC0.jar
5: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-server-9.1.0.RC0.jar
6: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-xml-9.1.0.RC0.jar
7: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-util-9.1.0.RC0.jar
8: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-io-9.1.0.RC0.jar
9: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-jndi-9.1.0.RC0.jar
10: 1.1.0.v201105071233 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jndi\javax.activation-1.1.0.v201105071233.jar
11: 1.4.1.v201005082020 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jndi\javax.mail.glassfish-1.4.1.v201005082020.jar
12: 1.2 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jndi\javax.transaction-api-1.2.jar
13: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-security-9.1.0.RC0.jar
14: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-servlet-9.1.0.RC0.jar
15: 3.0.0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jsp\javax.el-3.0.0.jar
16: 1.2.0.v201105211821 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jsp\javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.0.v201105211821.jar
17: 2.3.2 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jsp\javax.servlet.jsp-2.3.2.jar
18: 2.3.1 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jsp\javax.servlet.jsp-api-2.3.1.jar
19: 2.3.3 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jsp\jetty-jsp-jdt-2.3.3.jar
20: 1.2.0.v201112081803 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jsp\org.apache.taglibs.standard.glassfish-1.2.0.v201112081803.jar
21: 3.8.2.v20130121-145325 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jsp\org.eclipse.jdt.core-3.8.2.v20130121.jar
22: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-plus-9.1.0.RC0.jar
23: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\spdy\spdy-client-9.1.0.RC0.jar
24: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\spdy\spdy-core-9.1.0.RC0.jar
25: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\spdy\spdy-http-common-9.1.0.RC0.jar
26: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\spdy\spdy-http-server-9.1.0.RC0.jar
27: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\spdy\spdy-server-9.1.0.RC0.jar
28: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-webapp-9.1.0.RC0.jar
29: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-annotations-9.1.0.RC0.jar
30: 4.1 | ${jetty.home}\lib\annotations\asm-4.1.jar
31: 4.1 | ${jetty.home}\lib\annotations\asm-commons-4.1.jar
32: 1.2 | ${jetty.home}\lib\annotations\javax.annotation-api-1.2.jar
33: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\jetty-deploy-9.1.0.RC0.jar
34: 1.0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\websocket\javax.websocket-api-1.0.jar
35: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\websocket\javax-websocket-client-impl-9.1.0.RC0.jar
36: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\websocket\javax-websocket-server-impl-9.1.0.RC0.jar
37: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\websocket\websocket-api-9.1.0.RC0.jar
38: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\websocket\websocket-client-9.1.0.RC0.jar
39: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\websocket\websocket-common-9.1.0.RC0.jar
40: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\websocket\websocket-server-9.1.0.RC0.jar
41: 9.1.0.RC0 | ${jetty.home}\lib\websocket\websocket-servlet-9.1.0.RC0.jar
Jetty Active XMLs:
Use --module=spdy for Jetty 9.1
Do this, and copy/paste the results for us.
> java -jar start.jar --list-config
(feel free to find/replace sensitive info, but please don't delete any lines)
Expert advice, services and support from from the Jetty & CometD experts
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 5:24 AM, Konstantin Preißer <preissa@xxxxxx> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jetty-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jetty-users-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Konstantin Preißer
> Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2013 3:54 AM
> To: jetty-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [jetty-users] How to set a non-SSL SPDY/3 connector with Jetty 9.1.x
> Hi all,
> I would like to set up a non-SSL SPDY/3 connector with Jetty 9.1.0.RC0, to be
> able to test a non-SSL based SPDY/3 client. Unfortunately I have almost no
> experience with Jetty and its configuration.
> With Jetty 8.1.13, I could do this by placing the following in etc/jetty-
> spdy.xml:
> <Call name="addConnector">
> <Arg>
> <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.spdy.http.HTTPSPDYServerConnector">
> <Set name="Port">8444</Set>
> <Set name="defaultAsyncConnectionFactory">
> <Call name="getAsyncConnectionFactory">
> <Arg>spdy/3</Arg>
> </Call>
> </Set>
> </New>
> </Arg>
> </Call>
> and adding "spdy" to the OPTIONS list in start.ini, and then running jetty with
> npn-boot-1.1.6.v20130911.jar on the classpath.
> However, since Jetty 9 the configuration seems to have changed and I have
> no idea how to set a non-SSL SPDY/3 connector with Jetty 9.1.0.RC0. Can
> anyone give me an example configuration?
As the Jetty 9.1.0 docs have an example of a non-SSL SPDY configuration that looks like the above one [1], I think the only problem here is how to add the SPDY packages to the classpath, as I always get a ClassNotFoundException with this configuration:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jetty.spdy.http.HTTPSPDYServerConnector in file:/C:/jetty9/etc/jetty-spdy.xml
However, since the format of start.ini has changed, placing an OPTIONS=... list (or adding "--module=spdy") does not seem to work here, and I couldn't found a hint for this in the SPDY docs for Jetty.
Any idea how to do this in Jetty 9.1.x?
[1] http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/spdy-configuring-proxy.html