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Re: [jetty-users] Disabling Direct Buffers in Jetty 9


currently Jetty-9 does not use direct buffers for protocol for HTTP, but I just noticed that SPDY is using direct buffers.

However this should mostly be transparent to users, why do you wish to control it?

Note that the DefaultServlet has a useFileMappedBuffer option that can be set as a init param and does have a more visible effect (of locking files).


On 14 September 2013 06:01, Nicholas Lun <nlun@xxxxxx> wrote:

In Jetty 8 you could disable the use of Direct Buffers for NIO connectors
via the setUseDirectBuffers(bool) method in the AbstractNIOConnector class.
Is there a way to do this in Jetty 9?

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Greg Wilkins <gregw@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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