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[jetty-users] Problems running servlet 3.0 webapp in embedded Jetty 9


I'm having problems running a servlet 3.0 webapp in an embedded Jetty 9 (9.0.4.v20130625) instance.
I've tried to follow the "" example found here:

I'm having the following issues:
- webapp includes a servlet for which servlet mapping is specified using @WebServlet urlPatterns attribute.
  Jetty doesn't appear to apply this mapping
- webapp includes a ServletContainerInitializer, which doesn't appear to get executed

Do I need to do some extra configuration to get these features working? 
I've tested the webapp with Tomcat 7 and it works correctly in that server.

Jetty WebAppContext class allows adding servlets and filters programmatically, but how do I add a ServletContextListener?


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