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Re: [jetty-users] ExpressionFactory performance issue with service discovery in javax.el 2.2.0.v201108011116

Hi Stephane,

Wish I'd read your reply before updating :)

Let us know (preferably on the issue so the info is preserved) if
2.2.4 fixes the problem, and I will begin the process at Eclipse to IP
clear the jars for import.


On 28 February 2013 05:46, Stephane Bailliez <sbailliez@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Jesse,
> Thanks for the reply.
> I went digging a little bit around, found that the javax.el-api 2.2.4 source
> code seems to have that particular problem fixed in the sense they don't
> cache the classes but rather they just lazily instantiate the factory
> statically only once in BeanELResolver. So different fix than the one in
> Tomcat land but that should fix our problem. We'll going to test that
> version. Will let you know.
> Available at
> It's that same version that is shipped with Glassfish as far as I
> can see.
> -- stephane
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Jesse McConnell
> <jesse.mcconnell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> we take the javax.el stuff from the jasper setup that glassfish uses,
>> think there is a jsp project for it at now a days for it  (this one
>> I think:
>> as for quick fix...we can look at updating the versions but between
>> getting it into the CQ process and then orbitifying it is anywhere from a 1
>> week to 4 month process, which is why are are noticeably slow updating that
>> :/
>> If updating to the tomcat one works for you then that is definitely the
>> best short term solution.  In the meantime the correct process here it to
>> open a bug in bugzilla under RT/Jetty component with details so we can start
>> the update process
>> I'll note that you should be able to test updated jsp artifacts from the
>> glassfish jsp setup by replacing them and seeing how they us
>> an idea of what version resolves your problem will help
>> cheers,
>> jesse
>> --
>> jesse mcconnell
>> jesse.mcconnell@xxxxxxxxx
>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Stephane Bailliez <sbailliez@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> I opened a few minutes ago:
>>> This is obviously causing significant performance impact and affect
>>> scaling, the only quick alternative I see would be to replace temporarily
>>> the orbit javax.el version with the one from tomcat.
>>> Short of that working would be to patch the orbit el code.
>>> This might seem a bit of a stretch as I'm not sure what is the
>>> significant difference without doing a diff between the 2 source codes. I'll
>>> have a look at that soonish, in the meantime I was wondering:
>>> Is there any significant difference in the codebase that you know of ?
>>> From where is coming the repackaged orbit: javax.el 2.2.0.v201108011116 ?
>>> Do you see a possible release with updated version of it "soonish" ?
>>> Thanks !
>>> -- stephane
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