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[jetty-users] useFileMappedBuffer bug?

I set my webdefault.xml file to tell DefaultServlet to set useFileMappedBuffer to false. Jetty seems to be locking the file anyway, which makes development difficult.

I traced through the Jetty source code, and discovered this in org.eclipse.jetty.server.ResourceCache:

public ResourceCache(ResourceCache parent, ResourceFactory factory, MimeTypes mimeTypes,boolean useFileMappedBuffer,boolean etags)
        _factory = factory;
        _cache=new ConcurrentHashMap<String,Content>();
        _cachedSize=new AtomicInteger();
        _cachedFiles=new AtomicInteger();

Note that useFileMappedBuffer is a parameter, but it never gets used. This appears to be the place where the value is getting lost.

I'm using Jetty 9.0.0.M4.

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