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Re: [jetty-users] deploying using embedded jetty versus standalone

But do you agree that deployment (staring, stopping) is smoother when jetty is standalone?

Is this the latest docs regarding jetty/spring embed: ?

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Jesse McConnell <jesse.mcconnell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
one of the biggest arguments _for_ using jetty embedded is that it
gives you the developer complete control over your application

you decide how you want to stop and start your application, how you
manage application configuration, your entire logging
stack...everything is yours to control and jetty gets out of your way
as much as is possible.

if you want the freedom, then by all means use jetty embedded

if you want a more regimented traditional servlet container
experience, then run with the jetty distribution

since your using spring, perhaps it would help to think of using jetty
embedded as if you were just using any other spring bean....we even
have spring bindings if you so choose


jesse mcconnell

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 12:20, S Ahmed <sahmed1020@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> What are the advantages/disadvantages from running a spring application
> using embedded jetty?
> During development I am using the jetty mavin plugin that lets me fire up
> the application and hot redeploys etc.
> But now if I want to publish my code to my server, I want to know the
> ramifications of going the embedded route.
> My thoughts (from what I understand):
> 1.  If my application is embedded, I would have to push my new code,
> manually stop the old process, and then start the new process.  Is this
> correct?
> If I have jetty running on its own 'standalone', I can keep jetty running
> and just re-publish the .war file
> 2.  Jetty already has scripts to start/stop the service, but I guess I can
> just reformat those to start/stop my embedded jetty instance.  I could do
> this:
> /myapp/datestamp/war here
> /myapp/datestamp/war here
> And then have a symbolic link to:
> /myapp/current
> And when I push a new release, I coudl update the symbolic link
> /myapp/current to the latest datestamp folder.
> Any other thoughts/considerations for embedded jetty?
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