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Re: [jetty-users] HttpClient & session management


Alex Dean <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>I'm trying to use an instance of org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient to write a test case for ActiveMQ (which uses Jetty).
>I am able to send basic POST & GET responses.  The trouble I'm having is that I am unable to access the JESSSIONID which is returned from the server, so I can't maintain my state across multiple requests.
>Here's the test I've worked on :
>Here's the output :
>This code shows 2 separate ways I've tried accessing the response headers.
>  1. Implementing ContentExchange.onResponseHeader.  My callback is never called, though my other onRequestComplete and onResponseComplete callbacks are.
>  2. Trying to use ContentExchange.getResponseFields().  The returned object is null.
>I watched port 8080 in wireshark while my test was running, and I did see that the 'Set-Cookie' header was returned by the server. 
>I am able to send a POST to the servlet, and I do receive a response, but without the cookie I can't associate my later requests with the subscriptions I've created in the initial POST.
>I can't find any documentation on how session/cookie management should work with org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient.  Can anyone offer any links or tips on this subject?
>jetty-users mailing list

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