Hey guys.
I am working with Jetty 7.1.6 for several days
now. I am a pro Java developer with more than 7 years of experience behind
my back and I must say this: “It is very difficult to configure this server.
Because it has extremely poor documentation” If I was not very stubborn java
developer with very much time to lose I would have given up long time ago. It
seems a very nice software, but if you want it to gain wide spread popularity,
you really should concentrate heavy on this documentation and most importantly –
Now to the point. I want to use Jetty as a static
content server mostly with some very simple servlets. I don’t want web app
context, I don’t need sessions or security. I only want as much speed as
possible. I want to use Gzip compression, file cashing and some of the other
filters maybe like QoS. I use Xml to configure it. My problem is, I am
unable to set init parameters to DefaultServlet and to the other filters. I
turned the internet upside down to search for this, but it looks a very well
kept secret. Is that at all possible? This is my context config so
class="org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler"> <Set
name="contextPath">/</Set> <Set
name="resourceBase"><SystemProperty name="jetty.home"
default="."/>/webroot/</Set> <Call
</Call> </Configure>
Kind Regards,