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  • [jetty-dev] server with jetty 9.4.2 no longer accessible from iPhone, Michele Rossi
  • [jetty-dev] JDK 9 EA Build 159 and JDK 8u152 is available on, Rory O'Donnell
  • [jetty-dev] Jetty 9.4.2 Released!, Chris Walker
  • [jetty-dev] Calling startAsync() on a servlet request throws java.lang.IllegalStateException: s=DISPATCHED i=true a=STARTED, Sanjay Bhat
  • [jetty-dev] ContinuationListener does not seem to work after upgrading Jetty from 8.x to 9.x, Sanjay Bhat
  • [jetty-dev] Can someone please shed some light on the security of password hashing offered in jetty?, Edmond Kemokai
  • [jetty-dev] JDK 9 EA Build 155 is available on, Rory O'Donnell
  • [jetty-dev] Http Trailers, Greg Wilkins
  • [jetty-dev] Jetty 9.4.1, Jetty 9.3.16 and Jetty 9.2.21 Released!, Chris Walker
  • [jetty-dev] Jetty 9.3.15 stopped accepting incoming connections (too many open files?), Michele Rossi
  • [jetty-dev] Content Encoding Error with Kibana running behind Jetty 9.3 reverse proxy, Sanjay Bhat
  • [jetty-dev] classloader problem with Jetty 9.3.15 / CometD 3.1.0, Michele Rossi
  • [jetty-dev] JDK 9 EA Build 151 is available on, Rory O'Donnell
  • [jetty-dev] Custom JSessionid Management Advice?, Scott Morgan
  • [jetty-dev] Missing dependency, Thomas Lußnig
  • [jetty-dev] Corrected: Jetty 9.2.20 and Jetty 9.3.15 Released!, Chris Walker
  • [jetty-dev] Jetty 9.2.20 and Jetty 9.3.15 Released, Chris Walker
  • [jetty-dev] Why DNS lookup in newSSLEngine(InetSocketAddress address)?, Johan Piculell
  • [jetty-dev] Staged/Test Releases: 9.2.20 & 9.3.15, Joakim Erdfelt
  • [jetty-dev] URLs with IDN domains in jetty-client doesn't work, Konstantin Gribov
  • [jetty-dev] Jetty 9.4.0 Released!, Chris Walker
  • [jetty-dev] JDK 9 b148 including a refresh of the module system is available on, Rory O'Donnell
  • [jetty-dev] Regarding.. modifying parameters through JMX, avinash . dhananjay
  • [jetty-dev] deeper OSGi support, Raymond Auge
  • [jetty-dev] Jetty 9.4.0.RC2 Released, Chris Walker
  • [jetty-dev] Jetty SPNEGO not supported for localhost, how to know the user?, Houtman, Roland
  • [jetty-dev] JDK 9 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b144 are available on, Rory O'Donnell
  • [jetty-dev] Jetty 9.3.13 and Jetty 9.3.14 Released!, Chris Walker
  • [jetty-dev] Announcements of releases / signatures / location, Cantor, Scott
  • [jetty-dev] "no content" timeout exception while upl multipart file on 9.3.12 - 9.3.13 - 9.3.14?, Michele Rossi
  • [jetty-dev] how to build jetty osgi repository?, Hiep Lq
  • [jetty-dev] Maven Jetty Plugin 9.2.6.v20141205 run-forked goal not working with our webapp, Babu Ramesh
  • [jetty-dev] Early Access builds for JDK 8u122 b02 , JDK 9 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b140 are available on, Rory O'Donnell
  • [jetty-dev] Early Access builds of JDK 8u122 b01 & JDK 9 EA b138 are available., Rory O'Donnell
  • [jetty-dev] Jetty 9.3.12.v20160915 and Jetty 9.4.0.RC0 Released!, Chris Walker
  • [jetty-dev] Session Management with Redis, Friso Vrolijken
  • [jetty-dev] Early Access build 136 for JDK 9 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw are available on, Rory O'Donnell
  • [jetty-dev] It is me or is it the code?, Alan Nexus
  • [jetty-dev] Looking for Jetty HttpClient that downloads large zip files ..., Alan Nexus

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