Hi Simone,
OpenJDK 17 Early Access build 18 is
now available at https://jdk.java.net/17
G1 pauses may be extremely long with EA build JDK-17+18
During performance testing we noticed that due to a recent
change (JDK-8262068) GC pauses after a G1 full GC may be extremely
slow. The problem has been fixed with JDK-8264987 and that has
already been integrated. This change will be available with the
following EA build JDK-17+19. For more technical info please see
JEP 382 [2] - Starting with build 19, JDK 17
for macOS is *temporarily* switched from using OpenGL to
using Apple's Metal API for Java 2D rendering.
Heads up to anyone who is testing JDK 17 for running apps on macOS.
Starting with build 19, JDK 17 for macOS is *temporarily* switched
from using OpenGL to using Apple's Metal API for Java 2D rendering.
If you are running any kind of 2D / Swing/ AWT UI application on
macOS, and see any rendering related problems
starting with JDK 17 b19, please do report them to us along with a
test case and screen shots.
You may also set "-Dsun.java2d.opengl=true" to re-enable OpenGL -
which implicitly disables Metal - to confirm that it is a Metal
related rendering glltch.
[1] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-gc-dev/2021-April/034745.html
[2] https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/382
Rgds, Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin, Ireland